August 29, 2011

First day - hooray!

We had a great first day of school! 

We started our day by doing some morning work.  We put our bookbags away, give Miss Yarzabek our folders and then sat in our seats!  Once everyone arrived, Miss Yarzabek read a silly story: Amelia Bedia's First Day of School!  We all laughed a lot!  We can't wait to read more Amelia Bedelia stories!

Then, we had cafeteria practice.  We learned how to act in the cafeteria, how to get our food and where to sit!  It was fun practicing!

Today, we shared 3 Me Bags.  We learned about Camryn, Alex and James D. 

At 11:30 we went to our very first recess and at 12 we ate lunch!  Today's lunch was cheese stix but most of us packed our lunches. 

After lunch, we talked about classroom rules.  We read the story, David Goes to School!  David is a very crazy character!  He did some very silly things in his classroom!

We had our very first music class today.  Mrs. Kisner was very nice!  We ended our day by watching a story on tumblebooks. We really liked taking the quiz afterwards.

We had an AWESOME first day!  We can't wait to come back tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Shilpa Sawant said...

Thanks Miss Yarzabek for sharing First days's activities in detail . I was very curious to know how was my daughters(Sana) first day at school as 1'st Grader.
This Blog Idiea is awesome ...